Love knows no bounds. It is an endless energy current that flows continuously, like waves reaching the shores as the moon caresses the midnight hour. The only blockage to Love - receiving it and giving it- is the mind. Fear of not being enough. Fear of being judged. Fear of living freely… Instantly, the mind can bottle up the love we have inside and isolate us from our very raison d'être And what a pity to be a caged bird hanging in the sky…
Prelude to She-Love…
In just a moment, in a single glance, you will be transported into an amorous connection between two women. You are simply a privileged voyeur about to feast your eyes upon something so beautiful and poetic that it will either draw you in or push you away. Whatever your reaction may be- honor it and hold it… then let it go as you soften your gaze and relax into your breath. Scroll down, or close the page. The choice is always yours…
This is my fantasy. Not yours. The models I chose are fantastical gazelles that made my heart skip a beat. The collective beauty of their physical graces are clear to understand why they compelled me to cast them as She-Lovers. Their hearts and spirits shine powerfully; and if you only knew how beautiful these women were on the inside, you too would fall deeply in love with them.
But, dearest Voyeur, it is most important that you note this:
This art was not created to arouse your libido; it was designed to expand your mind-frame. Empower the very essence of just what open-expression of love is. This is the art of OWNING YOUR SEXUALITY. Gender, Race and Religion is not something to base your love upon- as to whom you can or cannot love. So, darling Voyeur, although these images were styled and curated under the inspiring influence of my own personal literary erotic muse, the famed writer Anais Nin, the message is quite simply this: follow your bliss. Wherever she may lead you…
Models: Megan Mitchell, Agatha Araya
Make Up: Arinne Averbach, Josiah Cracraft for NARS
Hair: David Pierre
Love knows no bounds. It is an endless energy current that flows continuously, like waves reaching the shores as the moon caresses the midnight hour. The only blockage to Love - receiving it and giving it- is the mind. Fear of not being enough. Fear of being judged. Fear of living freely… Instantly, the mind can bottle up the love we have inside and isolate us from our very raison d'être And what a pity to be a caged bird hanging in the sky…
Prelude to She-Love…
In just a moment, in a single glance, you will be transported into an amorous connection between two women. You are simply a privileged voyeur about to feast your eyes upon something so beautiful and poetic that it will either draw you in or push you away. Whatever your reaction may be- honor it and hold it… then let it go as you soften your gaze and relax into your breath. Scroll down, or close the page. The choice is always yours…
This is my fantasy. Not yours. The models I chose are fantastical gazelles that made my heart skip a beat. The collective beauty of their physical graces are clear to understand why they compelled me to cast them as She-Lovers. Their hearts and spirits shine powerfully; and if you only knew how beautiful these women were on the inside, you too would fall deeply in love with them.
But, dearest Voyeur, it is most important that you note this:
This art was not created to arouse your libido; it was designed to expand your mind-frame. Empower the very essence of just what open-expression of love is. This is the art of OWNING YOUR SEXUALITY. Gender, Race and Religion is not something to base your love upon- as to whom you can or cannot love. So, darling Voyeur, although these images were styled and curated under the inspiring influence of my own personal literary erotic muse, the famed writer Anais Nin, the message is quite simply this: follow your bliss. Wherever she may lead you…
Models: Megan Mitchell, Agatha Araya
Make Up: Arinne Averbach, Josiah Cracraft for NARS
Hair: David Pierre